Monday 28 May 2012

minecraft in pictures

My first minecraft world that got a bugged save and died. The thing in the sky in the top centre left is a skyway.
Cows eyes can't hide their crazed wheat addiction.

First time I found an abandoned mine. I wonder what the cobwebs mean..
Oh, it means poisonous spiders! There were two of these spawners in a row. So many deaths.
My house. Well, cave house. In fact its just a cave.
My fire fences made my other fences a lot more redundant, and also a lot more in danger of being lit.
Outpost in an ocean biome. The lighthouse has a weak revolving light system.
I found a floating island the other day near one of my outposts. Not so much laputa, more like the angry moon in Majora's Mask ready to collide..


  1. Seeing your pictures makes me really want to join the minecraft bandwagon! Maybe i'll join shortly and start having my own block adventures!

  2. Jethro dude, we have to mine together soon!
