Saturday 10 September 2011


National Geographic's posted this on my facebook:
Friday Fact: About 95 percent of the stuff in the universe is invisible.

So there's plenty of things that exist yet are invisible in the universe. Empty space is still an empty space, in that it has a definition, so it Has definition. However, it is difficult to relate to invisible things, because we were born with eyes that like to see things for themselves.

It says of Jesus in Colossians;
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
What was once a high and lofty notion now becomes a rough and ready reality in the form of Jesus. Taking on physical form allows him to relate to us in a way that we wouldnt usually describe a relationship with God. Not that God is learning anything new about us - more that we find it easier to trust something tangible than follow something invisible.

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