Tuesday 9 August 2011

don't get cocky, kid - all christians are looters.

In this crisis, I've been constantly reminded of the status of the Christian and of grace.
Christians are Christians not by merit or through being good, but because of the cross, by the act of Jesus taking on our sins and paying the punishment of death for them, that we may live without our debt of sin. So, this gift of grace, of second chances, of a new life walking with God, starts with a gift Given to us by God.

It is a gift that came from a great battle and victory won by God against sin and death. Humanity as the spectators get the chance to wear his name, and receive this gift of grace and favour, as if it were spoils of war, akin to looting the dead of their possessions. What God has given us is unmerited, we did not deserve to have it, nor were we entitled to it, in the same way that a rioter has no rightful entitlement to someone else's possessions without paying. It was an act of God's mercy that we should ever be called Christians, and as Christ followers we live in the blessing and the spoil of a great war won on our behalf. We couldn't win any battle against sin without God.

Because of this identity, I can look at the people rioting in England in a different light. Not one of hatred, although no one can like what is going on, but also look upon the rioters with a sense of sadness and loss, that they aren't won for God - yet. They chose their plunder to be earthly possessions and, unless God moves, it will be their own undoing. They look to gain what the world offers, at the expense of their soul. They too were looking for the things that they don't deserve. As they chose to base it on perishable things, then "even what they have will be taken away from them". After all, who can keep their possessions after death? Can we pray for a reversal, that they would seek after the things of the Lord, "that moth and rust will not destroy, that theives will not break in and steal?" Christians receive mercy and grace on a daily basis. Christians don't deserve it, rioters and looters dont deserve it, but the offer is open to all, that it may change all of our hearts.

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