Thursday 18 February 2010

expect change, expect sanctification

salvation isnt just for heaven. being changed from a sinner to being christ-like isnt reserved to only taking place in eternity.

those who have been set free by the gospel of jesus can expect to bear the hallmarks of a changed life, now.

so, i can't just expect things to stay the way they are. nor should i wish it.
cool hand luke once put it like this;
"i want to be transformed and stay the same, i want to be dry in the rain"

we cant have this the best of both worlds, because there is only one that is truly best.

Looking back, its easy to think of the things I left behind, things that I died to, maybe even just the other day, and pick up where I left off. To waste hours and hours on computer games, and play the stand-offish character in lectures and public life, shy away from christian hate debates, give up studying as soon as it gets too hard, look at things on the internet that speak of an instant pleasure, or to wish for oblivion in drink.

its easy because its the life Ive been used to living for so long, and every time I die to it, giving it to jesus, it comes back dressed up as an old friend. Jesus does not cooperate in sinful living - he has no part to play in this. So even from a mercenary point of view, im a fool if I do not make the most of what God is offering me. He is waiting for the opportunity for me to come to him and follow. So, how much do I want God's involvement in my life, or, better phrased, how much of my life do I want to be involved in God's?

If Jesus has granted me with new life, then I should look at his ways and his word with reverence, for they tell of what a life looks like when it follows Jesus. I find the bible says nothing of staying the same, but plenty about being transformed, "by the renewing of your mind through scriptures", by "taking every thought captive and surrendering it to Jesus", by "making no provision for sin", by knowing "a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly", by petitioning to "a high priest who has been tempted in every way, yet was without sin" when things look like they could go a step back, by seeking his "plans to give you a hope and a future" that have more depth and fruit than my own.

Through Jesus, I have a motivation for change And the means And a living example of a life totally given to God.

I can have sanctification working in me, if I want it. The holy spirit is given to us now as a deposit of things to come, so we can now express a deposit of the glorification that Jesus will acheive in us in the last days.

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