at the cross, the father poured out his anger out on jesus, so for jesus, there was a sense of abandonment and estrangement from the father. jesus felt far from him. he was left to die. the tension is high but the bond between father and son is not completely broken. it is like a spring being stretched from one end, just to its elastic limit.
in raising jesus from the dead, the father draws jesus near again, as close as he could ever be, "at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." - like a spring being released from its tension to snap back to the other end.
for christians who hold on to jesus, sometimes we find that we miss the way, and go our own way, we decide to leave the presence of the lord. we try to detach our faith in jesus, but it is like a spring being pulled at one end, and Gods love is too big to be escaped from by any conventional means.
""I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God."
the further we pull away, the more it is apparent that the tension is there, and a longing comes to run back, to release the tension made by us like tension made by pulling a spring. a wish is there, for it to be as it once was, near to jesus.
gods love is strong. it is not that we need to keep on proving that it is, in running away, so that we can feel the strength of it coming back. if it is like a spring then the strength is always there, it is always in the potential energy resting in the spring.
i know we will at times all need to come before the throne of grace, but for besetting sin; why should we need to continually test his tension, when there is a much more enjoyable way to be in a relationship with god - much more enjoyable than tensing a spring. we can be near him, and enjoy (even if we only see in part now) the way we shall be with him for eternity.